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Seminole County’s Osceola Road Landfill encompasses 230 acres within a slurry wall that surrounds the disposal area. The site is to be developed in three phases, and waste acceptance within the first of these phases was halted after the waste achieved +130 feet in elevation.

S2Li, in conjunction with Waste Energy Technology, LLC (WET), provided permitting (including Title V and compliance reporting) services, design, and construction services in implementing the landfill gas collection and flaring system for the Phase I area, as well as for multiple subsequent expansions into the Phase II area. WET also provides operational assistance to the County for the constructed system.

As an affiliated task, S2Li and WET reexamined the site’s phasing plan, amending the plan as necessary to take full advantage of airspace created by waste decomposition, while minimizing the impact of settlement on the landfill gas collection system infrastructure. A second flare was added to the system as part of the most recent expansion to provide the flexibility necessary to comply with startup/shutdown/malfunction events.